Thursday, December 16, 2010

Field settings for leg spinners

I'm going to be starting a thread looking at and discussing field settings for Wrist Spinners at

You'll find a JPEG file below which you'll be able to use in microsoft paint which comes free with almost every computer on the planet. Copy this file on to your hard drive and then open it using paint and draw your field placements on the image in paint using the brush tool.

Once you've drawn your fielding positions on the image using paint (see below) save it - and it'll then save as a bitmap file.

You'll then need to have a blog or an on-line image storing account where your file can be uploaded and therefore have a http address assigned to it automatically. That's needed in order to paste your image into the forum. (I think that's how it works)?

Then you'll be able to upload it to the forum for discussion and comments.

Check out my other blog here - this is all about Leg-spin bowling and nothing else. Double click on the image below.